I have to admit . . . I am not really into the Olympics. I am attributing it to the fact that there is so much other stuff going on in my life and I can't figure out the darn schedule. BUT, that was before I read this article. I am intrigued. This kid seriously rocks. I am going to look up the schedule so I can tune in tomorrow.
What has been your favorite thing to watch? Are you watching? Do you usually like sports?
I'm with you! Life has been crazy and I just watched for the first time last night... I haven't been really into the Olympics yet, but when I actually watched Michael Phelps last night I was pretty amazed!
I'm not a sports fan at all and possibly the only 2 sporting events I watch per year are the Derby and the Superbowl (for the commercials, natch). But when the Olympics are on, I'm hooked. I've been watching every night! When the men won the swimming relay the other night, I thought I would have a heart attack - so exciting. And it strangely makes me feel so patriotic. Oh, and I cry every night when they do one of their 'human interest' stories on one of the athletes. I'm a total sucker for the Olympics.
I personally love the gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastic events. Of course, I also like tennis and sailing events as well. :)
I enjoy watching the Olympics, but all I have caught this year is swimming.
I hope you are having a nice week!
I am an Olympics fanatic, love it all,the drama, the sporting competetion and the amazing pride that I feel when watching the American teams compete with such amazing aptitude and grace!!!
Volleyball(cause I played in H.S), swimming, gymnastics, oh who am I kidding...I'm watching every minute I'm not at work!!!
Oh I am crazy about the Olympics! I love Phelps and all swimming stuff really. And diving. And of course gymnastics. And rowing. Honestly I will watch just about anything in the Olympics. I also tend to pay attention to athletes who are alums from my high school. I feel some odd connection to them. My HS always has a decent # in the summer Olympics. Which is a bit ironic considering I am soooo NOT an athlete. At all.
I am not usually a TV sports fan but am loving the swimming at the Olympics. Michael Phelps is AMAZING!
I'll watch whatever Olympics are on - even badminton! I'm watching swimming right now. This is strictly against my usual strict sports policy; if left to his own devices, my husband is his own 24-hour ESPN channel.
By the way, thank you for your nice comments on my blog! You're not alone - it is a scientific fact that ice cream in a mug is superior, although my husband also thinks I'm nutty for believing this.
I am loving it I must admit!!! I am taping it all so I can fast forward through stuff like water polo. (sorry dudes). I loved watching womens individual all around with nastia Liukin. Amazing. Michael Phelps and Dara torres on tonight! Tune in!
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